Buddy day is a special day for our 5th grade students. It is the time where they get to take a rest from their regular classes and experience what it’s like to be in middle school.
Each 5th grade student was paired with a 6th grade student. Grade 6 students picked up their buddies early in the morning, with their nametags on and handed a copy of their schedule for the whole day.
5th and 6th grade students were oriented before the buddy day. They were happy and excited about knowing and meeting new friends in school, asking a lot of questions about who’s going to be their buddies, when they’ll know about it, how many days it will be and so on.
A day before buddy day, I had a guidance lesson with 5th graders about their feelings transitioning from elementary to middle school. There are many things they are excited about, but there are also some things they are unsure about. They were given a worksheet which has 3 feeling faces, and the students chose the one face that best describes how they feel about going to 6th grade and explained why they feel that way. Majority chose the smiley and straight face while very few chose the unhappy face. These are some of the reasons stated:
“ I’m happy to make new memories in middle school but a little bit sad that I won’t be able to see some of my elementary friends.”
“ When we are going to middle school we have to be more responsible and lessons will be difficult. I am worried about it.”
“ Because I will be independent.”
“ Because I can have more freedom and I can choose my own class.”
“ I feel good because I want to learn about different history. I want to learn new stuff that I never know.”
“ I think it’ll be fun to have new schedules, be friends with 6th and 7th graders, and have events such as house games or a school trip.”
“ I feel happy; it’s just like new life! It’s so exciting!!! Locker, choosing classes and much more.”
“ Because we don’t have to line up and I can even do the cooking class and everything that I want.”
Buddy day in pictures!
English, Art and History classes!
Lunch time!
What they have to say after buddy day:
“It was lovely seeing their wonderful smiles. It’s good to see them interacting with 6th grade kids. Good kids! Looking forward to have them next year.” – Mr. Gary, Music teacher
“It’s a cool experience. Buddies were really nice and they introduced to us what happens in 6th grade. The whole day was really awesome. I still don’t know what class to choose because of too many good teachers.” – Ryan, 5th grade
”It’s good to try this once in your life.” – Julius, 5th grade
“”Awesome! More freedom. Lunch time is really good. Mr. Tynon is very nice. Mr. Gary is very good. Really good music time.” I had fun watering the plants. 100% awesome!” – Landon, 5th grade
“It’s kind of fine because it is good if I learn many activities that I have not learned.” – David, 5th grade”
“Awesome! In science class, we answered many questions. In horticulture class, we needed to go all around the school to water the plants. In Chinese class, we learned more words that we didn’t know and review test for 6th graders.”
“Wonderful! Fantastic!” – Olivia, 5th grade
“Awesome experience and I get to know more about middle school and get ready for it. So fun! – Dora, 5th grade”
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