Primary Art classes have been busy in the art room since coming back from the break. 1rst and 2nd grades created their own textured papers which they used in their cut paper collages of birds, insects or underwater scenes. Kindergarten, 1rst and 2nd grade then looked at images of skylines of cities around the world and learned what an architect does. They then were architects themselves when they created their own city-scapes. This project was a combination of printmaking and watercolor painting. Excellent job primary years!!!
High School Art finished out their 2nd quarter which focused on printmaking with a final project in which they were asked to create an image of any creature from the natural world. This quarter we will are focusing on fiber arts. Stay tuned the results!
Pre School and Pre K created 3 D paper sculptures and also read the book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds and created “dot paintings” with watercolors just like the main character in the book. Nursery went on a “field trip” to Ms. Lisanne’s art room and looked at all the different art supplies and art made by the other students at L.A.S.
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Shanghai Livingston American School
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