The whole class learned about 4 reading skills: use the pictures, think about what I know, figure out new words and retell the story. The main focuses for first graders were about predicting a picture walk through reading illustration, recognizing high frequency words in the reading text, and writing a book report with the names of title and author and five related words from the story. 2nd-5th graders were putting more details about the sequence, the setting and the characters of the story; moreover, they went through some science vocabulary and passages about water cycle, water forms, energy for a plant to grow, light, moonlight, earth and solar system in order to enrich the background knowledge as second language learners.
Ms. Kiddy
This week in first grade, we worked on our narrative writing projects. We focused on comparing and contrasting characters, settings and stories in reading. We also learned how to use geoboards, base 10 blocks and how to tell time in quarters in math, as well as working on time lines. In science, we learned about the sun and moon and how the sky looks at different times of the day. We are ready for nice weather next week for Jog-a-thon!
Miss Amber & Miss Zoe
In second grade this week, we have been learning to dramatize fables in reading. In writing, we did creative writing about what we would do if we had a pet turkey. We also finished writing our published copies of our opinion papers. In math, we learned how to make ballpark estimates, and practiced using different strategies for adding 2- and 3- digit numbers and the partial-sums addition algorithm. In social studies, we learned how the pilgrims came to America on the Mayflower. In science, we used paper, paper clips, straws, a cup, string and tape to make a bridge. Then we tested the strength of our bridges by placing coins on top of our bridges. All of our bridges help up! What smart builders we are!
Ms. Leslie
This week in Reading we continued to practice using context clues to find the meaning of unknown words. We also began learning about prefixes and how they change words. In Writing we finished rules for spelling plural nouns and began learning about using verbs. We also began writing short opinion pieces and worked on the word choice writing trait. In Math we finished Unit 3 and began Unit 4 which focuses on multiplication. In Social Studies we learned about how and why people adapt and modify the environment.
Mr. Luis
In writing class, 4th grade is busy writing their personal narrative essays. We should be finished by this Friday. In our grammar packet this week, we are continuing to work with plural nouns. Our story this week, Boss of the Plains, was enjoyed by all the students. We have one more story to finish Unit 2, great job 4th grade. Our science class we tried to find some clouds in the sky and determine what type of cloud it is! In Social Studies, we will finish with our chapter about the country of Mexico. 4th graders are doing well on their 1 minute multiplication tests. Keep practicing with the homemade flashcards!!! We are also working on what we are thankful for this month. One 4th grade student wrote the following: “I am thankful for my mom for making me a lunch box every day.” Shuto
Ms. Rhonda
This week in 5th Grade, we will be exploring the following:
Conjunctions & Correct Run-On Sentences
Estimation & understand the relative sizes of 1 million, billion & trillion.
Explore the history, motives, hardships, contributions of the Pilgrims & other early settlers in the USA.
The Scientific Method of Inquiry
Ms. Bracks
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