Mr. Darrell and our Wildcats in the Kitchen!
Our Wildcats have entered the “Global Dishes” section of their cooking exploration! Check out how we celebrate Internationalism and Diversity in our Wildcats Kitchen.
Our unit on ‘Global Dishes’ includes the history, indigenous ingredients and impact of foods around the world; safety and food preparation methods used; and the ethnic and cultural relationships to the foods studied.
While focusing on proper food preparation and procedures, students were introduced to international and ethnic specific cuisines.
Every dish cooked and presented was a very powerful lesson and experience that can not only teach students about international cuisines but can also allow them to share their passions about the foods that they know best and represent their own family culture and heritage. The cooking lessons help our students to see the connection between food and life in many cultures and had lots of fun exploring that connection.
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Shanghai Livingston American School
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- +86 (21) 5218-8575
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