Second/Third Grade ESL class has been busy reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. In reading, we are working on reading non-fiction books. We have learned how to use the text and graphic features such as the table of contents, headings, captions, diagrams and real photographs in order to understand the information better. Our story we read in class this week is entitled, How Animals Communicate. This story inspired us to learn more about animals. We went to the library and chose non-fiction books about animals to read and write about. We will be doing research about our chosen animals and will write animal reports. We will culminate our non-fiction reading and writing animal project by seeing real animals up close and personal at the Shanghai Zoo on our primary department field trip the first week in November.
We have also been learning about using descriptive words, adjectives, in our writing. We enjoyed writing about a haunted house for sale in preparation for Halloween.
We look forward to seeing everyone all dressed up in costumes and to celebrating Halloween together at SLAS on Friday, Oct. 30!
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Shanghai Livingston American School
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- +86 (21) 5218-8575
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