Boom! Boom! Boom!
Can you hear the fireworks? This week in Preschool we wrapped up our celebration of Lunar New Year. The children returned excited to talk about their family holidays and all of the Chinese New Year traditions they saw, tasted, and heard. Three and four year old children love to learn about the world around them and make connections between school, home, and the community. In Shanghai, there is no better time of year to do this than Lunar New Year!
This week’s math and logic focus was one to one correspondence and counting. We practiced these skills with an exciting 红包 hong bao coin counting center. In literacy we read lots of Chinese New Year themed stories, but our favorites were Bringing in the New Year by Grace Lin and Red is a Dragon, a Chinese themed color book by Rosanne Thong and illustrated by Grace Lin. We also reviewed the letter N and did lots of singing! Art was also a highlight this week as we made firework themed crayon and paint art, explored red and year sparkly playdough, made dot sticker creations, and did lots of free drawing.
Next week we begin Book Month, our annual celebration of literacy, stories, creation, and dramatic play. Things will kick off on Monday with Dr. Seuss Day. Prepare yourself! There are lots of silly rhymes and merry times ahead.
Ms. Sarah
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Shanghai Livingston American School
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